You Can't Find Happy From Here
If you are like me, there are sure a lot of times when you know something is not right. . . And almost instinctively, you try and DO things attempting to get to “right” or happy. I have sure experienced this a lot especially this week over the holidays. There are always a lot of great things to enjoy and be thankful for.
Al Rothering
6/16/20242 min read
If you are like me, there are sure a lot of times when you know something is not right. . . And almost instinctively, you try and DO things attempting to get to “right” or happy. I have sure experienced this a lot especially this week over the holidays. There are always a lot of great things to enjoy and be thankful for. But one loved one with health issues or experiencing personal loss or financial issues or a number of other things can immediately steal a bit of our happiness and leave us wounded or not quite right. Often getting lost in the details, over-analyzing every situation and adding worry to the list of things not right.
For me, moving to the South has divided my heart. I don’t really feel fully at home anywhere. When I am in the South, I miss my family and friends back in Minnesota. I am currently in a restaurant in Winona and I find myself missing my friends and the rest of my family back in Dothan Alabama.
But in the quietness of the morning, the Lord speaks; “You can’t get to happy from here, my son”. The words of our good, good father immediately pierce my heart. The Lord reminds me that I have lost my way. I let the things in front of me pull my heart back into my flesh, getting wrapped up In the “things of the world”. . .
Now I know – FOR SURE – that the Lord loves us all and He loves and understands the importance of family and even our worldly struggles. BUT we most certainly do not find lasting “happy” in our circumstances. Anyone that has given themselves over to the Lord and has tasted the unexplainable JOY in Christ knows this. And although it is impossible to properly explain to someone that has not tasted life in Christ, what radical peace and sense of belonging comes from resting in his care, we must ourselves return to remembering that we have been crucified with Christ, to find this intense happiness. I truly wish we could bring everyone we love with us – into this crazy good life in Jesus! Is there anything at all even close to this important? . . . no, not even close! I want to encourage you today to be bold. Make time for Jesus even if that means setting something else “important” aside. Remember your identity and listen and obey the still small voice of Holy Spirit.
Have a very blessed day!