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Personal Introduction

Al Rothering

My name is Al Rothering and my life is not my own. I have surveyed all that this world has to offer and have realized that although there is a ton of cool stuff here, sinfulness has broken everything. I have come to the conclusion that none of us can fix that which is broke, because we are ourselves sinful and broken. I have weighed the steep price that Jesus has paid on the cross for our brokenness and I have surrendered my life to my savior and Lord.

Today, I live an amazing life! Not because of who I am, but because of who's I am. On my very best day, with the most clarity of thought I can muster, I cannot contribute to the plans that the Lord has for me! Life in Christ is AWESOME! It is filled with trouble and trials and hardships, but even in the midst of our greatest tragedies, Jesus changes sorrow into joy.

God is still moving mountains, parting waters, healing the sick and loving the lost and broken. When we have God's heart in us, it is easy to love our neighbor and serve one another out of the overflow of our hearts and it is WAY better than the next best thing that all of life has to offer.

Although I am nobody special; I am one satisfied customer that just leaks the God that fills me! That is what has driven me to creating this site (Please be patient with me as I am struggling to figure out how all this web design stuff works).

My desire is to share what God is teaching and speaking to me and perhaps and to hear the same from you in hopes that it will help awaken your soul. That is what is crazy cool about joining together for the purpose of seeking the voice of the Holy Spirit; it has the potential to give birth to revival within our hearts and it brings more of the kingdom of heaven into us. If that sounds spooky, it is not meant to; just know that where two or three are gathered in the name of God, he honors that and blesses us. :)

Through my personal videos and blogs and our interaction, I pray that you grow deeper in your relationship with God while we get to know each other better. I want to encourage you to reply back to my posts and videos as you feel comfortable, so we might grow in Christ together. I am hoping you can even post videos back to the blog topics. But lets give this a try together. Sign up on this site so you will get notified whenever I post something new, and give me regular feedback so I will know that you are with me. Thank you for sticking with me this far.

-Al Rothering

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