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Faith to Walk In Our Purpose

...For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it. Habakkuk 1:5, NLT


Al Rothering

6/16/20242 min read

...For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it.

Habakkuk 1:5, NLT

I Just love this verse in Habakkuk. The Lord spoke it to me just over 7 years ago and I will never be able to look at it without remembering the pit of despair that I was in, and how desperate I was for his voice. It was the darkest time of my life.

My wife of 20 years died unexpectedly as I was helping her to the bathroom because she was feeling sick. In an instant, my life came crashing in on me. Kathy was an amazing woman; an incredible mom and she was the glue that kept our family together. I was crushed and just did not have the capacity to believe I could carry-on without her. If it wasn’t for my 3 young children that needed a dad, I believe I would have died with her on that floor in my basement. It was such a painful time and I had no capacity to carry on. I could only cling to God in complete hopelessness.

Well, it was in that place that God DID meet me in a radical way and eventually give me this verse above. In the context of Habakkuk, this verse was not really about hope, but I did not know that at the time and could only grab hold of it as a promise for my future. And in such a mighty way, the Lord has restored my hope; he has given me an incredible wife, a new calling and has miraculously taken good care of my children. There have been so many truly water-parting-miracles throughout that restoration process. Miracles that you simply would not believe, even if I told you (the verse is so very true). And today, without a shadow of doubt, I want you to grab hold of this truth. God is more real than anything you have ever touched or seen with your physical eyes. His promises are true and he is yearning for real, walking-talking relationship with you!

Do you think of him as personal? Do you see him? Do you have a relationship where you can hear his voice and can walk into each day listening and abiding in his voice? My friends, this is His plan for you. This is Kingdom purposed living. It is our promise land and it is available today. Nothing. . . absolutely nothing is comparable to living a life of fellowship with our creator! For our own sake and for the witness of others, lets open our eyes to see God and give him free rein In and Through us!

a man holding a child's hand and a child's hand
a man holding a child's hand and a child's hand

Faith to Walk In Our Purpose